Espacio de Datos

This project is a fulldome video piece generated from infectious disease data I study as part of my scientific research. It has been shown at the +CODE 2018 festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was originally comissioned by Cristian Reynaga and Merlina Rañi, organizers of the festival. Espacio de Datos was also shown at the 2018 edition of the Domo Lleno festival in Bogotá, Colombia, the 9th International Festival of Science Visualization in Tokyo, Japan, in February 2019, and finally at the Elektra Festival XX in Montréal, Canada, in June 2019.

The visuals represent data exploration conducted with the visualization software Mirador. Points stand for variables in the dataset, and their relative movements are calculated by evaluating the “information distance” between each pair of variables. Blue lines indicate statistically significant correlations, which determine constellation-like patterns, or “asterisms”. The audio was created by sound artist Mene Savasta specifically for this piece. This blog post goes over the inspiration and process of creating the piece.

The planetarium of Buenos Aires Audiences waiting for the show to start Inside the planetarium Fulldome program

Pictures from the fulldome show during the +CODE festival in Buenos Aires.

A 1024x1024 render of the video shown at the planetarium can be played back below:

The video was created with a custom Processing program, including a fish-eye shader to output the image with the correct deformation to project on a 180 degree dome.